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Django App to Create a Question Paper It uses SQlite3 Database for Backend

How to run

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Login Interface

Credentials for superuser/ superadmin/ Developer

Username - admin

password - pass

Credentials for Normal Site user

Username - ksharma20

password - quesMaker


Home Page

After Successfull login,Site Greets you with Your UserName (That is dissmissable)


Adding New Question Paper

Its Creates a New Entry in Database.


Adding Questions to Question paper

After successfully creating a question paper you can add question to it right away


I know this page is Not well structured, Because I used Django Forms in here Instead of HTML tags. So, I will Structure it in later updates becuase it requires sometime.

Next Question

After adding Information You can add next question. It will Bring you to the same page But for Next Entry. After Creating a Entry to Db for Pervious Question you Filled


And You can Either keep on Adding Question or You can Go back to Home

Edit Question Paper

If you See you can also Edit the Question Paper detail from Index / Home page


as simple as it can be Its Not much Different, But It Give you Power to update or Delete that Particular QuestionPaper

Visit Question Paper

If you See you can also Visit the Question Paper detail from Index / Home page

Ahhhhhh i just realised I have to Name it view instead of visit But we will do it later 😒

Updated : Name Changed to view successfully 😎

image image

Here we see all Questions inside that Question Paper. We can Either Edit or Delete a Particular Question. We can Also add New Questions to that Question Paper as Well.

Flaws Left Intentionally

Haha😂 I know I know What you are thinking !! 😁. Yup I left something, Because I was daam to lazy to Change or Port them

Delete Request

I used Get request to delete a Particular question as Well as Whole Question Paper. Therefore you know anyone can Delete it just by entering the Right URL Instead or a Delete Request.

I Could have Changed it into POST Request with csrf token But for That I had to create New forms and pages etc. So, that I can Send and Recieve a POST Request, Whereas as it is Now I have deleted Questions and Question papers Simply by using a tag by sending them to that particular api link.

So Here you have it The Flaw I left intentionally 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

And Feel Free to Imporve it

Its always appericiated